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New 3.5" Pulleys Available for 1/4-Inch Wire Rope
Block Division announces the expansion of the number of pulleys that are now available in a 3.5-inch blocks which are specifically designed for 1/4″ wire rope or cable. These pulley blocks include single, double and triple sheave options for single eye pulleys, fixed eye pulleys, swivel hook pulleys and flat mount pulleys.
Click on the product number to go directly to the order page! Also note that many of our single and double sheave products have the option of adding a snatch pin.
3.5-Inch Pulleys for 1/4” wire rope or cable:
Single Sheave 03548-1/4
Double Sheave 03548-1/4-2
Triple Sheave 03548-1/4-3
Single Sheave 03558-1/4
Double Sheave 03558-1/4-2
Triple Sheave 03558-1/4-3
Single Sheave 03568-1/4
Double Sheave 03568-1/4-2
Triple Sheave 03568-1/4-3
Single Sheave 03578-1/4
Double Sheave 03578-1/4-2
Triple Sheave 03578-1/4-3
Questions? Give us a call at 1-800-433-9821.